Kieran Fisher

Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues.

‘Manborg’ Shows You Don’t Need Money to Make a Masterpiece

By Kieran Fisher 

The word “masterpiece” has been applied loosely here, but that doesn’t mean that this slice of schlock isn’t majestic in every way.

The Savage Bees

‘The Savage Bees’ Will Give You a Buzz

By Kieran Fisher 

“They’re coming this way, not to make honey, but to kill!”

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The Alternate Universe ‘Star Wars’ Live-Action TV Series

By Kieran Fisher 

In another galaxy far, far away, ‘Star Wars: Underworld’ brought some grit to the franchise.

Prepare To Brace

‘Snowpiercer’ Explained: “Prepare to Brace” Raises More Questions

By Kieran Fisher 

In this episode, clues are revealed that suggest there’s much more to Melanie than meets the eye. And she wants to keep that a secret.

Cast A Deadly Spell

H.P. Lovecraft Meets Raymond Chandler in ‘Cast a Deadly Spell’

By Kieran Fisher 

Head on over to Amazon Prime, watch this movie, and thank us later.

Space Force

The Real Story Behind ‘Space Force’

By Kieran Fisher 

Let’s explore the crazy government program that inspired the new Netflix series.


‘Snowpiercier’ Explained: The Twist In ‘First, the Weather Changed’

By Kieran Fisher 

The first episode hits the ground running with a shocking reveal – but what does it mean in the grand scheme of things?

Swamp Thing

The Tragic Case of ‘Swamp Thing’

By Kieran Fisher 

DC’s environmentally friendly monster can’t catch a break on the screen. We look at the tragic history of their contemporary Swamp Thing show.

Batman Vs Superman Movie

The Alternate Universe ‘Batman vs Superman’

By Kieran Fisher 

Let’s imagine a world where this movie went ahead, and The Dark Knight trilogy did not exist.