The Queue

The Queue is an oft-recurring column in which Meg Shields provides you with a distraction of curated video content sourced from across the web.

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Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe

Publicity with Purpose: The Spectacle of ‘Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe’


Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe depicts exactly that, but the short documentary is much more profound than its blunt title suggests.

A Few Good Men Courtroom

How to Read the Climax of ‘A Few Good Men’ Like a Fight Scene


We think we’re entitled, as it were, to this great screenplay analysis.

Parasite Basement

What Lies Beneath: The Metaphorical Power of the Basement


If I were a character in a movie I simply would not go into the basement.

Angels Egg

Interpreting the Apocalyptic Dream of ‘Angel’s Egg’


Mamoru Oshii’s underrated masterpiece ‘Angel’s Egg’ is difficult to understand. But that’s kind of the point.

Incredibles 2 Pixar animated clothing

How Pixar Animates Realistic-Looking Clothing


This is like when you want to eat animated food but it’s clothing.

Back To The Future trademarks nike

When is it Fair Use to Show a Trademark in a Film or TV Show?


Ever wondered what the deal is with films and TV shows using the logos and trademarks of known brands? Here’s how that all works.

Internet horror Pulse Kairo

The Identity Crisis of Internet Horror


As if the infernal screech of dial-up wasn’t scary enough.

Black Narcissus movie

Something in the Air: The Dangerous Beauty of ‘Black Narcissus’


Not with a bang, but with a wimple, as it were.

Persona Ingmar Bergman

Fade Into You: The Psychological Reckoning of Ingmar Bergman’s ‘Persona’


‘Persona’ isn’t just a masterpiece. It’s a psychological breakthrough.