Scott Beggs

Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.

Lionsgate Will Deliver ‘W’ to Theaters

By Scott Beggs 

Lionsgate has picked up Oliver Stone’s new automatically-controversially film W. The studio plans to release the movie on October 17th. That’s right. A movie that doesn’t even have one of its featured characters cast is going to be in theaters in 161 days.

Superbad, Juno Top MTV Nominee List

By Scott Beggs 

For a culture inundated with awards shows and general bouts of celebrities patting themselves on the back, it’s nice to see that the MTV Movie Awards is still relevant.

cop out endings Wizard Of Oz Ruby Slippers

The 7 Best Movies with Cop Out Endings

By Scott Beggs 

In 2008, Scott Beggs celebrated a movie trope responsible for a certain kind of conclusion.

Bruckheimer and Bay May Do Cocaine Together

By Scott Beggs 

BFFs Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael (Awesome) Bay are looking into working together again for an HBO series based on the documentary Cocaine Cowboys.

Speed Racer Can’t Switch Into High Gear

By Scott Beggs 

The Wachowski Brothers picked a dangerous time to unleash their latest movie onto the world. With Iron Man making just over $349 Trillion at the box office this weekend, it’s set to take the top spot again.

MacGyver Might Be Headed for the Big Screen

By Scott Beggs 

There’s good news floating amidst the crowd of 80s rehashes being adapted to films. The fine folks over at Gizmodo are reporting that MacGyver, a man that could take down Jack Bauer one-on-one, is planning an escape from the terrorist holding cell of television and into a theater near you.

Review: Speed Racer

By Scott Beggs 

Speed Racer is a movie to experience, not just a movie to watch. It’s a complete package with campy humor, thrilling action sequences, and emotional dramatics – all delivered through the unparalleled visual style of The Wachowski Brothers.

Descent Heads Back Into the Cave

By Scott Beggs 

I’ll admit that the girlish (yet manly) scream you heard when Descent hit theaters was probably me. I had the pleasure of seeing it at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 7 in the company of the ideal movie-going audience, and even they were surprised by how high-pitched I could be.

Teresa Palmer Joins (Awesome) Transformers 2 Cast

By Scott Beggs 

In news that should excite the inappropriate part of you that likes Michael Bay and gorgeous Australian women, Teresa Palmer – who was cast as Talia Al Ghul in the doomed Justice League: Mortal – has signed on for the (Awesome) Transformers sequel.