Who You Gonna Call? Russell Brand.

By  · Published on December 9th, 2010

In the Bizarro-world version of Ghostbusters, where you call on ghosts instead of calling to exterminate them, Russell Brand has taken up shop as the ghostly ring leader. He’ll play Fred Mumford, a loser who happens to have lost his life, that decides to band together other dead losers to help the living.

Rentaghost will be Warners’ film adaptation of the BBC Television show from the 1970s. The words “BBC” and “1970s” should clue you in that the show is campy and over the top, which just might be perfect for Brand, although the studio is likening the film to Beetlejuice.

Having never seen the show, it’s difficult to speculate, but it does seem clear that there will be a lot of opportunities for other comedic actors to play eccentric characters (like an 18th century man afraid of technology). Plus, this seems like a much better option than seeing Brand remake Drop Dead Fred.

Thankfully, Warners decided not to make DeLaRentaGhost, the film about a ghost who isn’t dead that will come design clothes for you, or Renta-Ghost, the film about a group of New York City bohemians who die of AIDS and come back to help their friends live in huge lofts without paying rent. [Cinema Blend]

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