Walter Hill To Officially Give Sly Stallone His ‘Headshot’

By  · Published on April 12th, 2011

We previously reported that Sylverster Stallone was courting Walter Hill to direct Headshot after Wayne Kramer dropped out over creative differences. And what a sexy courting that must have been. Now, an email to Aint It Cool’s inbox from Stallone makes it official.

Even setting aside that this is an action film, and that Stallone will finally get to work with Hill, I’m just excited to see Hill get back to work. His output has been spotty in the past decades, and it’s mostly been low-budget action flown under the radar. This promises to be a higher-profile flick that could see Hill back on top of his game. The last really great film he directed was Another 48 Hrs. back in 1990 (unless you just really love Wild Bill), so while Stallone has hit the cinema world again, this would be a lazarus act for Hill.

This would obviously work best with Hill writing from page one, as well, so we’ll have to see how that process pans out. Stallone is domineering in projects, so hopefully Hill will be able to let his voice shine through as early on as possible.

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