Ending Explained

Ending Explained is a recurring series in which we explore the finales, secrets, and themes of interesting movies and shows, both new and old. We see it as an opportunity not only to help readers who need assistance unpacking endings but also as a chance to unpack themes and explore how expanded cinematic universes connect.

Here is an assortment of some of our favorite and most popular ending explainers throughout the years:

Explore the Ending Explained archive below

The Shining Ending Jack Nicholson

The Ending of Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ Explained


Forty years after its release, Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece still raises an eyebrow.

The Old Guard ending

‘The Old Guard’ Ending Explained


Netflix’s latest comic book adaptation is a gothic romance yearning to tell its definitive story in the sequel that may or may not ever come.

The Last Days Of American Crime

The Ending of ‘The Last Days of American Crime’ Explained


Olivier Megaton goes big, but mostly long, with his latest celebration of human depravity.

Capone explained

The Ending of ‘Capone’ Explained


There have been many movies about Al Capone, but none like this one.

Extraction ending

The Ending of ‘Extraction’ Explained


What happened to Rake?

Inception ending

The Ending of ‘Inception’ Explained


If you’ve still got questions about that spinning top, here are the answers.

The Clone Wars Final Episode Helmets

‘The Clone Wars’ Explained: The Final Season Ends in “Victory and Death”


The last ‘Star Wars’ project started by George Lucas concludes with expected heartbreak.

Shattered Screenshot Clone Wars

‘The Clone Wars’ Explained: The Final Order is Given in “Shattered”


The darkest hour is upon us in the latest episode of ‘The Clone Wars.’

American Psycho

The Ending of ‘American Psycho’ Explained


What really happens to the serial killer that you hate to love?