‘Star Wars Uncut: Director’s Cut’ is How You Swede

By  · Published on January 21st, 2012

‘Star Wars Uncut: Director’s Cut’ is How You Swede

For a project that’s been over two years in the making, the ambition of those who created this sweded Star Wars seems to have paid off. I’ve yet to watch the whole thing, but I’m already struck by the fact someone, that someone being Casey Pugh and many contributors, spent so much time sweding every single scene from Star Wars. Talk about dedication, right?

Some of these 15 segments are hit and miss, but don’t let that detract you from watching this thing of nerd beauty:

Source: Star Wars Uncut (go to that site, if you want more info on the project)

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Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.