
Movies, we love ’em. Film School Rejects covers a wide range of movie-related topics, from reviews of new releases to retrospectives on classic films. We also love making lists, writing essays about how our favorites were made, and talking about the most interesting projects in development.

For your consideration — our favorite movies from the last few years:

You can also browse our archives by genre — everything from Horror to Action to Comedy.

Foreign Objects: Revanche (Austria)


Foreign Objects travels the world of international cinema each week to look for films worth visiting. So renew your passport, get your shots, and brush up on the local age of legal consent, this week we’re heading to… Austria!

Review: Bomber


Ross (Shane Taylor) wakes up early one day to see his parents off on their road trip through Europe. Alistair (Benjamin Whitrow) and Valerie (Eileen Nicholas) are heading to Germany for some unknown reason, but when the trip faces cancellation, Ross agrees to chauffeur his parents through Europe.

Review: Lesbian Vampire Killers


Three words that should bring a smile to the face of even the saddest person. But despite having the best title ever, can Lesbian Vampire Killers really live up to its promises?

Review: The Horseman


Does penis violence make you queasy? And I don’t mean violence committed by penises, but violence committed against them. Punches, drill bits spinning Candiru-style up the urethra, or tri-hooked fishing lures pierced through a guy’s dongle then yanked… if so, then you just may want to skip the new Australian film, The Horseman.

Review: That Evening Sun


“I have the feeling that if I died in the middle of the night they’d just roll me out and roll the next one in,” says Abner Meecham (Hal Holbrook) in That Evening Sun. “And nobody would even notice.”

Review: MINE: Taken By Katrina


MINE: Taken By Katrina is a story about the pets who lived in the path of Hurricane Katrina, but it’s also about the owners who chose (or were forced) to evacuate without them and the families who eventually adopted them into their homes.

Review: Black


A funky riff on the theme music from 2001: A Space Odyssey opens Black, a new French film and the second craziest movie of this year’s SXSW Film Festival. And the weirdness doesn’t end there.

SXSW Review: Drag Me To Hell


Although it wasn’t mentioned to the Paramount Theater’s packed house last night, the screening was a ‘work in progress’ cut of Sam Raimi’s Drag Me To Hell. But if audience reaction last night is a true indicator, the vast majority of them loved the film. Work in progress or not.

SXSW Review: Ong Bak 2


Bold Claim of the Day: Ong Bak 2 is the greatest martial arts movie ever made. Not the smartest, or the funniest, or the most dramatic… the greatest.