Second ‘Scream 4’ Trailer Asks: What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?

By  · Published on January 21st, 2011

There’s a moment in the second trailer for Scream 4 where Hayden Panettiere’s character is frantically naming off remakes of classic horror films (she cuts through Halloween straight on through to My Bloody Valentine). It seems as though the meta nature that Wes Craven is fond of has found its way to making direct commentary on the state of the genre now.

If you missed the first trailer for the fourthquel, it explained the new rules (some of which were suspect). This new trailer seems a bit more traditional. Giving a bit of back story and introducing a few new and old characters before flashing Ghostface around like a parade icon.

Besides an appalling lack of Alison Brie in the marketing materials so far (and we swear she’s in the movie), the trailers have looked really good actually. Standard slasher set up with a little bit of genre commentary. We’ll just have to see how relevant Scream 4 can manage to make itself.

What say you?

Source: Apple

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