Of Course Paul W.S. Anderson is Going to Destroy ‘Pompeii’

By  · Published on November 15th, 2012

Who wants to see an overly CGI’ed version of a volcano erupting while people in gaudy non-historically accurate togas are covered in ash? If you raised your hand, you should know you’re reading the internet so no one can see you, but it’s probably also a good sign that you’ll love Paul W.S. Anderson’s next project.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Anderson is set for Pompeii, a retelling of the infamous disaster of 79AD where Mount Vesuvius destroyed two coastal villages, tragically preserving them for archeologists. Game of Thrones co-star Kit Harington will play the lead (a slave trying to save his true love and best friend) in what’s being described as a Titantic-like take on the event, injecting a romantic plot into a story ultimately about mass death.

Of course, Anderson is no James Cameron. Still, the idea of making a movie about young love blooming in the face of an ending we will all see coming is an interesting one, and it might come as a great shock to high school movie-goers who haven’t taken that history class yet. It’s just a shame that Anderson is the one at the wheel here. How long until we know which role Milla Jovovich will take?

Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.