Shot by Shot with the ‘No Time To Die’ Trailer

Bond. James Bond. Does anyone remember this old man?
No Time to Die James Bond

“When her secret finds its way out…” Swann opens a box to discover a shattered masque. One we will see later.

A tear bubbles to the surface of her eye. There are no characters in Bond films without a haunting history. What evil beyond Spectre could have their hooks in Swann?

“…It will be the death of you.” Blofeld lives for these moments. Bullets and blades can do great damage, but so can knowledge. Dangling information is his game. He’s a puppet master. Bars and chains cannot stop him from orchestrating tragedy beyond the walls.

Swann tells Bond, “You don’t know what this is.” Vagueries only infuriate him and send him further down the rabbit hole. He’s James Bond. Dark pits are his natural habitat. He’s a license to kill with a history of violence. A stern voice suggests how such a life is a reflection of the new baddie’s own twisted history. Safrin (Rami Malek) joins the ranks of many dark mirrors found within the franchise.

A spotlight shines down on Bond and the crowd turns to confront him. Safrin continues his chastising, “Only, your skills die with your body.” More shade for the 00-dinosaur.

It’s a Knives Out reunion! Ana de Armas is Paloma. I’d peg her for Leiter’s missing scientist if not for the serious gunplay she contributes to the trailer later on. She’ll join Nomi as the other secret agent itching to steal the glory from Bond.

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Brad Gullickson: Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)