
Shot by Shot with the ‘Midsommar’ Trailer

Is it scary? Ummmm…yup.
By  · Published on May 14th, 2019

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Another quick shot of the bear autopsy from the first trailer. What exactly is in that magic elixir the villagers serve to their guests? Fermented animal guts? This could also just be practice for a different operation.

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A shot of Christian slumped over mere moments after he drank that yellow liquid. He’s drooling while the others celebrate his intoxication.

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A ball with pagan writing scrawled on it rolls forth from another sun symbol. Does it represent their visitors? Is it a funky Swedish rollercoaster take on the voodoo doll?

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We finally see inside one of those HÀlsingegÄrdars. Three masked men stand in front shines waving torches. The symbols at the center of the yellow circles are similar but not identical to the pagan mark of the sun.

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This guy also took a tumble from the cliff and he does not seem happy about the decision either. At the very least, he’s in a tremendous amount of agony. In the back right corner, we can spot Christian, Dani, Merk, and Ulf. Christian has his hands on his head. He at least seems stunned by the violent display.

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This poor individual is suffering from some form of neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that affects the process in which cells form. Often passed from generation to generation, enlarged elements of the face are a result of tumors growing atop nerves. My current theory is that members of this village are inflicted with this disorder and their medicinal and spiritual rituals help abate it.

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Amongst one of the circles dancing around the maypole is Dani. While the others bow to the pole, she stands straight. We hear Ulf say “I was most excited for you to come.”

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The trailer ends on the maypole cutting a severe profile in the bright blue sky. In pagan traditions, the maypole was also a phallic symbol to be worshipped as a means of increasing fertility. There is a belief that if a young girl picks flowers in silence during midsummer and places them beneath her pillow then that night her dreams will be filled with visions of her future husband. Has this all been a scheme for Ulf to nab an American bride?

Midsommar arrives after the summer solstice on July 3rd.

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Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)