Junkfood Cinema: Welcome To The War Zone

By  · Published on May 5th, 2015


Cargill and I throw format right out the window, along with what’s left of our credibility. This month there is no theme, no running motif, no consistency whatsoever! We’re simply celebrating a few random cult and exploitation films that we unabashedly love!

First up, we herald the violent, and violently maligned, pseudo-superhero flick Punisher: War Zone! Why do we love it so much? How does it absolve itself of its sins? Why do we think it has more in common with the 1989 Dolph Lundgren Punisher than with the 2004 film to which it was initially slated to be a direct sequel?

We’re loading up for a bloody good time on this week’s Junkfood Cinema!

You should follow Brian (@Briguysalisbury), Cargill (@Massawyrm), and the show (@Junkfoodcinema).

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Longtime FSR columnist, current host of FSR’s Junkfood Cinema podcast. President of the Austin Film Critics Association.