If You Love Comic-Con, Morgan Spurlock Wants You

By  · Published on May 21st, 2010

Some of you undoubtedly read the headline and thought, “Yes! That’s handsome ginger bear finally left his vegan wife who loves him, and I have a shot. I’ll go throw on my Captain Jack Sparrow costume immediately!”

Well, calm down, put away the plastic cutlass, and be prepared to have your heart broken just in time for it to be lifted back up.

According to Comic Book Resources, Morgan Spurlock, Stan Lee, producer Thomas Tull, Joss Whedon and the head geek Harry Knowles, are all in cahoots with each other to deliver a documentary about the comic book/geek heaven known as Comic-Con.

Feel free to read the whole post for what they’re looking for, but it essentially boils down to whether you’re the most dedicated geek on the block to all things Comic-Con: the cosplay, the movies, the comics, the stars, the panels, the signings, the artwork, the strange kids walking around asking for free hugs.

If that sounds remotely like you, feel free to drop the producers an email at: [email protected] and let them know why you deserve to appear in their documentary.

And if you’re still really jonesing for Spurlock for some reason, you still can hold out hope because they’re requesting a phone number, picture, and your personal story.

Sounds like a dating site to me, but if you want to take your chances, you might just be rewarded by being able to share your passion and fandom in a feature length documentary.

While you think about whether you feel comfortable telling that story about what happened between you and Pokemon in the Men’s room, remember back to a simpler time when I probably talked to you on the Comic-Con floor:

Who’s doing it?

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