Meg Shields

Based in the Pacific North West, Meg enjoys long scrambles on cliff faces and cozying up with a good piece of 1960s eurotrash. As a senior contributor at FSR, Meg's objective is to spread the good word about the best of sleaze, genre, and practical effects.
Full Metal Jacket Cinematic Gaze

The Eyes Have It: A Celebration of the Cinematic Gaze

By Meg Shields 

Here’s looking at you…and you…and you…

Moma Film Conservation Preservation

Conservation vs. Preservation: How MoMA is Safeguarding Film Heritage

By Meg Shields 

Conservation? Preservation? What’s the difference? Here’s how the Museum of Modern Art is making film — and film heritage work — more accessible.

Close Encounters Of Third Kind sequel Night Skies

The Fruitful Failure of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ Sequel

By Meg Shields 

Steven Spielberg’s ‘Night Skies’ was never made, but what audiences wound up getting instead was much better.

Bigtop Burger Steve

Drop What You’re Doing and Watch ‘Bigtop Burger’

By Meg Shields 

Does anyone fancy a hamburger? From an interdimensional food truck run by clowns?

Lucifer Rising magick lantern cycle Kenneth Anger

The Enigmatic Impact of the Magick Lantern Cycle

By Meg Shields 

Do what thou wilt, but consider watching this video essay on Kenneth Anger’s life’s work.

Jackie Chan Police Story end credits

Every Movie Should End Like Jackie Chan’s ‘Police Story’

By Meg Shields 

(Chanting) Montage! Montage! Montagae!

The Blob

Slime and Space Dust: How They Built ‘The Blob’

By Meg Shields 

Horror movies in the 1980s are known for being goopy. So let’s wade into the deep end, shall we?

John Woo action Hard Target Jcvd

There are Action Directors and Then There’s John Woo

By Meg Shields 

Cue the doves.

Noroi The Curse

Subverting Found Footage: The Uncanny Realism of ‘Noroi: The Curse’

By Meg Shields 

Mockumentary > Found Footage