Meg Shields

Based in the Pacific North West, Meg enjoys long scrambles on cliff faces and cozying up with a good piece of 1960s eurotrash. As a senior contributor at FSR, Meg's objective is to spread the good word about the best of sleaze, genre, and practical effects.
Video Game Camera

How Video Game Cameras are Changing Cinematography

By Meg Shields 

Movies have had an immense effect on how video games look, but that balance is beginning to shift.

accidents film

The Importance of Cinema’s Happy Accidents

By Meg Shields 

Hey, accidents happen. Hopefully the cameras caught it.

Jurassic Park T Rex Roar

How They Designed The T-Rex Roar in ‘Jurassic Park’

By Meg Shields 

One of the rare sound effects as iconic as its accompanying visual effect.

Princess Mononoke Eye

‘Princess Mononoke’ and The Importance of Compassion

By Meg Shields 

There are few people-watchers quite like Hayao Miyazaki

Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe

Publicity with Purpose: The Spectacle of ‘Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe’

By Meg Shields 

Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe depicts exactly that, but the short documentary is much more profound than its blunt title suggests.

Movies To Watch After Clue

8 Movies to Watch if You Like ‘Clue’

By Meg Shields 

If you’re a fan of this whodunnit ensemble comedy, you need to have these other films on your watchlist.

A Few Good Men Courtroom

How to Read the Climax of ‘A Few Good Men’ Like a Fight Scene

By Meg Shields 

We think we’re entitled, as it were, to this great screenplay analysis.

Parasite Basement

What Lies Beneath: The Metaphorical Power of the Basement

By Meg Shields 

If I were a character in a movie I simply would not go into the basement.

Angels Egg

Interpreting the Apocalyptic Dream of ‘Angel’s Egg’

By Meg Shields 

Mamoru Oshii’s underrated masterpiece ‘Angel’s Egg’ is difficult to understand. But that’s kind of the point.