WonderCon 2010: The Losers and the Flexibility of Zoe Saldana

The Losers is a bout a ragtag group of guns for hire who are forced to go on a dangerous mission to clear their name, or avenge a wrongdoing, or save some innocent villagers… it’s one of those, I’m sure of it. It faces an uphill battle this summer in distinguishing itself from two other films that share more than a few similarities (The A-Team and The Expendables). So what makes it different from the other two? For one thing it’s based on a comic series under DC’s Vertigo label, and for another… hmm.

Okay, so there are more similarities between the films than differences, but that doesn’t mean the movie can’t stand on its own merits. The trailers promise a light, fun, action-packed flick, and the scene shown here at WonderCon seems to confirm that view. Director Sylvain White was joined onstage by several members of the cast including Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana, Columbus Short, and Oscar Jaenada. They all came across as casual and fun-loving as I expect the film itself to be, and their chemistry here bodes well for the movie itself.

The scene previewed involves a fairly hot fight between Saldana and Morgan. To be fair, any scene with Saldana is bound by law to be hot, but the adjective is especially relevant here as the brawl leads to a literal fire engulfing a motel room. Both actors are slammed into furniture and walls, and Saldana also has the opportunity to show off just how flexible she can be when the situation calls for it. And that’s very, very flexible. An extended trailer of sorts was screened as well featuring a peek at all the gunfire, fisticuffs, and explosions you could hope for in a summer flick. All of the actors shined, but Evans stands out as a star in the making. Someone give this man his own franchise pronto! There’s been some disgruntled concern over the film’s PG-13 rating, and while that means the bloodshed and Saldana’s sizzle will be kept to a minimum I don’t see it diminishing the movie’s overall entertainment value. It still looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

A PG-13 rating doesn’t necessarily mean Saldana’s sex appeal won’t be played up for the audience though. She managed to turn just about every answer she gave here into something laced with innuendo and suggestiveness. Someone asked the cast about the possibility of a sequel and she answered “I’m very comfortable around men.” Someone else asked about the catering onset and she replied that the action “really turns her on.” Another fan asked how long it took to wash off the blue makeup she wore in Avatar, and she said that while Morgan gets to wear a suit for parts of the film she’s “not wearing much at all.” Okay, so those weren’t the actual questions asked, but she really did whip the audience into a frothy delight with these saucy-sounding answers.

The Losers hits theaters on April 23rd.

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Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.