Why ‘Cloverfield 2’ Deserves Applause For Not Being Made

We live in cynical times, so it (at least seems) like a rare thing when a sequel doesn’t immediately follow a box office-ly successful movie. It’s even enough to cause a single tear when a filmmaker or producer says essentially what fans would say when it comes to the money grab.

Cloverfield was a hit ‐ the highest grossing movie of any January release when it came out. It propelled director Matt Reeves and J.J. Abrams into the world of movies, so it seemed obvious that a sequel would start rolling immediately.

It didn’t. And it may not ever. Matt Reeves can explain why, and it’s a statement that deserves applause.

The money quote from his interview with Bloody Disgusting:

“Unfortunately, I don’t have any [news],” said Reeves. “We’re just…you know, somebody was saying to me that I had said something about, ‘well, we’re gonna try and get the band back together.’ And the band is still not back together, we’re just still talking about getting back together. But we haven’t really had a chance to talk about it.

I mean, J.J. is eding Super 8 right now, he’s got a very, very intense schedule right now that he’s working on. And Drew [Goddard] is writing Steven Spielberg’s next movie, I think, after the Abraham Lincoln film. He’s doing Robopocalypse. So everybody’s very, very busy. But I’m sure we’ll get together one of these days and sort of bounce it around until we come up with something that we get excited about. And if we don’t, then we won’t make it.”

If they can’t all find a creative way to do the movie, they won’t do it. How refreshingly simple. Movies shouldn’t be made just for money.

Pretty soon, cats and dogs will start living together.

While it’s a little sad to think we may never see the aftermath of Cloverfield (especially since there seems to be a lot more to that particular mystery box), it’s encouraging to know that if it does happen, it’ll be because the creative force behind it is truly excited about making the movie and not because of the potential Burger King collector’s cups.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.