
Video essays.

Birdman Over The Shoulder

The Narrative Benefits of the Long Take


Watch this video essay about a cinematography technique keeps you engaged with your setting, characters, and plot by keeping entire scenes uninterrupted by cuts.

Space Odyssey

Are There Movies That Can’t Be Remade?


Watch a video essay that details the factors that make it impossible to remake certain movies.

Moonrise Centered

The Enhancing Nature of the Lens Plot


Watch this video essay about a cinematography technique that draws viewers deeper into the story.

Psycho Staircase

The Sky-High Beauty of High-Angle Shots


With help from a new video essay, we explore how high-angle shots can evoke emotion, drama, and narrative.

Cage Mandy

‘Mandy’ and Experimenting with Film Grain


‘Mandy’ takes a cue from experimental film for its unique look.

Lawnmower Man

Immersive Cinema: The Philosophy Behind VR


VR is reshaping how we think of gaming. Will it do the same for filmmaking?

Fantastic Mr Fox Stop Motion Video Essay

The Under-Appreciated Craft of Stop-Motion Animation


This video essay reminds you that stop-motion’s tireless and timeless style pushes the boundaries of our imagination with outstanding passion and dedication.

Ex Machina

This Video Essay Will Make You Think Hard About Consciousness in Film


Watch this video essay about the depiction of consciousness in film.

A Star Is Born

What Makes ‘A Star Is Born’ a Story Worth Retelling


Watch a video essay that explores this beloved story and its presence in our media landscape.