Shot by Shot

Shot by Shot is a recurring series of movie and TV trailer breakdowns. We’re constantly scouring for perfect shots, and in this column, we share our favorites and discuss them.

Explore the Shot by Shot archives below

Screen Shot At Pm

Shot by Shot with the NYCC ‘Picard’ Trailer


You Can’t Not Make It So

Birds Of Prey Featured

Shot by Shot with the ‘Birds of Prey’ Trailer


Harley Quinn doesn’t need the Joker.

The Irishman

Shot by Shot with ‘The Irishman’ Trailer


Check out a digitally de-aged Robert De Niro having the time of his life.

Terminator Dark Fate

Shot by Shot with the ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Trailer


Sarah Connor and the T-800 have some unfinished business to take care of.

Joker Screenshot

Shot by Shot with the Final ‘Joker’ Trailer


The Clown Prince of Crime reigns over Gotham.

Screen Shot At Pm

Shot by Shot with ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ D23 Trailer


We’ve waited for a thousand generations for this movie.

Screen Shot At Am

Shot by Shot with the ‘Ad Astra’ IMAX Trailer


Brad Pitt chases Tommy Lee Jones into the endless, inky abyss of space.

Underwater Shot by Shot

Shot by Shot with the ‘Underwater’ Trailer


‘Underwater’ isolates its heroes from society and pits them against a school of mer-monsters. No complaints here.

Screen Shot At Pm

Shot by Shot with ‘The Irishman’ Trailer


An all-star team tackles one of the great mob mysteries.