Leonardo DiCaprio


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Leonardo DiCaprio Will Make It ‘Satori’ Time in Assassination Thriller


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The Secrets of the Inception Press Junket Revealed: Part Two


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Review: Inception


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Leonardo DiCaprio Enters Into ‘The Twilight Zone’


Because You Asked For It: ‘Akira’ Live Action Remake is No More


For reasons unknown, the project to revive Otomo’s anime classic as a live-action feature is dead. I personally plan on mourning by watching the real Akira.

SXSW Interview: Director Ondi Timoner Explains How ‘We Live in Public’


Part one in our one part series with director Ondi Timenor examines the world of the internet, the proliferation of technology, and the way our lives are being changed as we continue to live more and more in public.

Movie Review: Revolutionary Road


There was a lot of talk this year about whether or not The Dark Knight could overtake Titanic atop the list of highest grossing film of all-time. As a result, the topic of the “Kate and Leo” reunion in Revolutionary Road was not too far beneath that conversation (if you’re in my group of friends, that is).

Foreign Objects: The Chaser


Foreign Objects travels the world of international cinema each week to highlight films worth visiting. So renew your passport, get your shots, and brush up on the local age of legal consent, this week we’re heading to… South Korea!