‘The Thing’ Poster Proves ‘The Thing’ Is Coming Out

Things have been very quiet on the waterfront for Universal’s prequel to The Thing, suitably titled The Thing. After a scrapped April release date, we’ve seen nothing from the film. No trailer. Only a few images. And no poster… until now. The coolest part of this very well done (and unofficially released) poster is that it shows the movie is indeed coming out this October. With no trailer three months before opening, it seemed as if another delay was coming.

Thankfully, that’s not the case.

I’m betting we’ll finally get a trailer with Cowboys and Aliens, and I hope it’s the one they showed at New York Comic-Con because that has some quality goods powerful enough to win over a few cynics. And for those of you wondering or worrying about how the alien will look, the few glimpses from that teaser displayed an all practical, disgusting beast.

Source: AICN

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.