The Morning Read: Hollywood Racism, ‘Avengers’-izing and Jewish Superman

The best movie culture writing from around the internet-o-sphere.

Just leave a tab open for us, will ya?

“Where are the black women of Hollywood?” – Arienne Thompson of USA Today asks the tough question, and gets some uneasy answers and a cure for racism from Shonda Rhimes that’s a simple, impossible lurch in the right direction.

“How the Avengers-izing of Blockbusters is Killing Movies” – It was on the tip of everyone’s tongues. Gabe Toro at The Playlist digs in his heels on copycatism and bloat.

“On the Shoulders of Giants: Why Movies Are Shifting From the Undead to Big Monsters” – Jesse Damiani at Press Play explores the difference between pessimism and heroic shouting.

“Superman: Christ Figure or Ultimate Immigrant” – Robert Saucedo at Badass Digest has a curly-haired theory about the Man of Steel that Megyn Kelly is going to hate.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.