Shot by Shot with ‘The Grudge’ Trailer

We dig into the beautiful muck of Nicolas Pesce's latest effort to find a J-horror terror we're pumped to experience.
The Grudge X

GAH! JUMP SCARE NUMBER 1! We knew that was coming and we were prepared. All good. Our shorts are still dry. We survived it, and so did Peter Spencer. The hands vanish, but he’s smart enough not to brush off the attack as a simple act of his imagination. He needs to sell this house, and he can’t have a rageful creature get in the way of accomplishing his mission.

Peter has a direct line to Detective Muldoon (Riseborough), so he gets her on the horn to tell her about his troubling encounter. She already has a connection to the Rayburn house.

Her partner (Bichir) was the one who investigated the murder that occurred within, but he’s a little cagey on the details. He explains to Muldoon that “something never felt right about it,” so he keeps his distance. She should probably do the same, but she has a detective’s compulsion for curiosity.

Into the files she wades, investigating the details of the Landers murders involving husband Sam (David Lawrence Brown) and wife Melinda (Zoe Fish). We know that this Grudge is not a remake of Ju-On but a wholly original story inspired by the curse mythology. That being said, the killing that kicked off the Japanese film involved a domestic spat of infidelity that escalated into a vicious confrontation. A similar situation could be the catalyst here.

Cut to a screaming Jacki Weaver. She does not appear to be in the Rayburn house, but the Grudge has followed her home. This is the start of her troubles, as we’ll see later on down the trailer.

A sheriff’s deputy says, “Looks like we got another one.” We meet this poor soul who does not seem to be burned but covered in a horrible cake of mud and filth. Have they been pulled from a lake, or does this rageful entity have a predilection for moist murders? It definitely appreciates a good shower and a bath. Notice also that the driver’s arm is snapped at the elbow, but the body of the car appears to be undamaged. The face is caught in a rictus state of terror. This person has seen some serious stuff.

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Brad Gullickson: Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)