Shot by Shot with the ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Trailer

Sarah Connor and the T-800 have some unfinished business to take care of.
Terminator Dark Fate

Dani is being hunted for some reason, and Sarah is hellbent on protecting her because she remembers when she was in a similar situation.

Here’s where the trailer gets confusing. At the end of Terminator 2, the T-800 sacrificed himself in order to ensure that he wouldn’t return to his villainous ways. Since then, however, he appears to have found a quiet place to live and aged gracefully. Sarah is also unhappy to see him, despite them being allies in the last movie and parting ways on relatively good terms.

In this movie, the T-800 appears to be a good guy again. He promises to help our new band of heroes in their fight against the machines, and their first order of business is to teach Dani how to use a gun. She’s certainly going to need it. This is America.

Next up, we see an unexplained air collision, which looks pretty exciting.

Our cyborg assassin then sprints towards an escaping helicopter. The movie appears to be a throwback to the stalk and slash elements of the first two films, so here’s hoping that it marks a return to form for the franchise, as this approach is what made it work so well in the first place.

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Kieran Fisher: Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues.