So Now ‘Pushing Daisies’ Might Hit Kickstarter

Lovingly tucked inside this thoroughly insightful interview with Rob Thomas upon the successful funding of his Warners-distributed Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign was a note about Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller getting in touch with him to ask about it.

“I did get an email from Bryan Fuller earlier today saying, ‘Hey, can you jump on the phone with me at some point? I know you’re busy, but I would love to talk to you about how this thing works,’” said Thomas. “And I know it was specifically for Pushing Daisies.”

The show featuring Lee Pace as a pie-maker with the power to bring dead things back to life was, like Veronica Mars, a fan favorite that was cancelled because it brought an immense amount of joy to a medium amount of people instead of a medium amount of a joy to an immense amount of people. Obviously from the limited information in the statement, it’s unclear whether Fuller would explore bringing the show back as a series or as a film, but anything he did would need the blessing of Disney, who owns the copyright.

This comes on the heels of Joss Whedon saying that Kickstarting Firefly couldn’t happen at least for another few years (if at all), and there’s a long road from an exploratory phone call to an actual studio-backed Kickstarter campaign, but it seems obvious that the Veronica Mars model is attracting creators of cult hits. Plus, considering it’s on just about every Mars-inspired fan list of TV shows that need a Kickstart in the pants, it’s easy to imagine a ton of people would be on board for more Pushing Daisies, regardless of what form it comes in.

At the very least, this isn’t the last we’ve heard of the phenomenon. It’ll be fascinating to see which studios dip their toes into crowdfunding in the next few years.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.