Review: Lost: “Everybody Loves Hugo” (Video Blog)

This week, the FSR Lost Club lost one of its own (pun inadvertently achieved) – Cole Abaius went road tripping across the country for what he claimed to be a good reason, never to be seen around these parts again. But even though he’s left us right at the pivotal moment when Michael (Harold Perrineau) returns to the show, we Losties never say die. It was up to myself, along with Landon Palmer, David Gunn and Emily Younger to decipher the latest (and most action-packed) episode of Lost yet this season.

As you probably know by now – because we suggest that you watch the episode prior to watching our video blogs, as spoilers flow quite liberally – this episode saw a lot of comings and goings. Michael came back, as did Libby (Cynthia Watros). Ilana (Zleikha Robinson) left in quite possibly the series’ best death scene to date, short of that science teacher who also had trouble with TNT. And in the alternate universe, Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) went from cupid to kid-watcher to crippled person murderer in one episode. Now there’s an arc. Even if the relationship between the island and bizarro-world isn’t clear, you have to admit that this episode sure did deliver some excitement. It was also centered on Hurley (Jorge Garcia), and that’s never a bad thing.

Get your fill of analysis and discussion below with the Lost Club in our Cole Abaius Memorial episode, with a special tag at the end showing our dedication to his memory.

Click here for more Lost Club episodes

Neil Miller: Neil Miller is the persistently-bearded Publisher of Film School Rejects, Nonfics, and One Perfect Shot. He's also the Executive Producer of the One Perfect Shot TV show (currently streaming on HBO Max) and the co-host of Trial By Content on The Ringer Podcast Network. He can be found on Twitter here: @rejects (He/Him)