‘Last Vegas’ Poster Is Supposed to Be ‘Legendary’ But Is Just Confusing

Calling your movie Last Vegas and then juxtaposing that title against a black and white image of four older men in tuxedos laughing together makes it seem like the film could be about a couple things. Is it the dramatic but inspiring tale of four legendary Vegas crooners who transformed the strip with their velvety tunes in the town’s golden age? Are they ghosts forever doomed to repeat the same New Year’s Eve party in Las Vegas because they’re trapped in that photograph from The Shining?

Seriously, is one of them dying or something?

But people who have seen the trailer for Jon Turteltaub’s Last Vegas (oh, if you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat ‐ watch it here) know that this is the story of four curmudgeonly buddies who are traveling to everyone’s favorite desert oasis for Michael Douglas’ impending nuptials to his thirty-year-old paramour. Once they arrive, they discover that the city is different than the last time they were there! So it’s up to these four gents to take back Sin City and relive their glory days and teach the younger generation a thing or two about what Las Vegas is really about. That sounds incredibly pretentious, but I wouldn’t turn down a drink with Robert De Niro if he offered, would you? It just appears the poster is representing what the men think they look like while they cruise the strip, not grumpy old men complaining about the good old days.

Last Vegas is in theaters November 1st. [ComingSoon]

Samantha Wilson: