12 Large Monster Friends We Made Along The Way

Do you find yourself up late at night thinking about how cool it would be if Godzilla was your friend? So do we.
Large Monster Friends

6. Okja (Okja)


This gentle giant is large and round and asks nothing of you except for some food, friendship, and to not be slaughtered inhumanely for the sake of a rump roast. A massive, genetically modified “super-pig” bred specifically to be eaten, not only does Okja symbolize the cruelty of the agricultural industry, but she’s also just so damn adorable. Why not keep her around for any reason other than she looks like a big, cuddly, land-faring manatee? Her soft, spherical body shape is just perfect for relaxing on top of and laying out in the sun, and she has the horsepower to get you anywhere in record time. All jokes aside, Okja is truly the sweetest angel on this earth and watching Okja the movie will emotionally traumatize you and make you rethink that Big Mac when you’re stoned at midnight and haven’t eaten in like, five hours.

5. Snorlax (Detective Pikachu)

He’s only in the movie for about five seconds, but that’s more than enough to solidify Snorlax as a bona fide movie star and an excuse to put him on this list. Snorlax the Sleeping Pokémon (literally, his category is “Sleeping”) has long been a role model for those who place a high value on a good meal and then falling right asleep for the rest of the day. He also just looks so damn comfy in Detective Pikachu, with every hair fiber rendered in HD and his easygoing smile-inducing a genuine sense of calm even amidst the middle of a busy crosswalk. You could just fall asleep with him right there, let the world go by as you reach a previously unfathomable level of inner peace. For those of you who want to be the little spoon, Snorlax is just the friend for you.

4. Heptapods (Arrival)

As it turned out, the giant alien squid things in Denis Villeneuve’s tasteful sci-fi film Arrival brought their fun, inky circle language to benefit humans the whole time. They may look like massive Lovecraftian hellbeasts, but their wide-spanning presence on earth in numerous gargantuan pea pod spaceships brought the advent of humanity’s great enlightenment – their language, which allows humans to perceive both the past and future. It was a bit of a tit-for-tat situation; the aliens brought their language to earth to help us become galaxy-brained, as a down payment for when they’ll eventually need our help in three thousand years. They’ve already got fun little pet names (Abbott and Costello), and they allowed humans – arguably the most disagreeable assholes in existence – to finally become united. While so many things are trying to tear us apart, the Heptapods just want to keep us together, like a mediating friend between two people who just broke up.

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Brianna Zigler: Brianna Zigler is an entertainment writer with bylines at Polygon, Little White Lies, Thrillist, The Film Stage, Bright Wall/Dark Room, and more. She runs a bi-monthly newsletter called That's Weird. Follow her and her big beautiful brain on Twitter: @justbrizigs.