It’s Unclear If He Can, But Mark Millar Promises More ‘Kick-Ass’

It’s Unclear If He Can, But Mark Millar Promises More ‘Kick-Ass’

There’s something incredibly lacking in the announcement by Mark Millar that there will be a sequel to Kick-Ass. For one, it comes slightly unexpectedly considering the less-than-explosive showing at the box office and the unnecessary nature of continuing the story.

For two, the comic book writer whose work is being adapted announcing that they want more of his work to adapt (and doing it on British radio show) seems more like wishful thinking than a genuine announcement.

I’m still keeping my salt handy. He’s chalking up the green light to DVD sales, but this feels more like a stunt to test the responsive waters than it does a true press release. Unfortunately, even if the online community pumps a collective fist into the air with excitement, that leaves the sequel in the same place the original was as far as enthusiasm goes. Testing the waters might not even matter.

If the film is truly greenlit, expect more announcements in the coming month. Also, expect a story where villains dress as heroes (who can really tell the difference with all that spandex?) and Hit Girl attempts to go straight. Because that’s exactly what audiences want.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.