‘In Fear’ Trailer: A Terrifying World Without GPS

It wasn’t until I moved to Germany that I realized how safe car culture is in America. Sure, there are a few backroads and shortcuts that lead to creepy, secluded areas, but the system here is practically built on them. It’s the difference between foundational small veins and artery superhighways, and while the Autobahn flows near everything, arriving at your destination almost always involves what amounts to a dirt path between two fields or a barely paved section wide enough for 3/4ths of your car.

What’s scarier is that the right direction so often looks like the murder path.

That looks like the road the two travelers from In Fear are on. The movie focuses on a young couple who have just started dating, going on a trip that gets confusing before it gets terrifying. Rob saw it at Sundance and shrugged at the pair’s stupidity (also known as the fuel source for low budget horror), but the new trailer promises more than a few mysterious thrills:

In Fear is in theaters in the UK Novembert 15th. No word yet on a US release.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.