How to Avoid Possession, Body Swaps and Demonic Curses: A Buffy Summers Guide to Clean Living

by Vivian Kane

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Do you ever feel… not yourself? In this modern world, there are all sorts of powerful forces looking to corrupt us. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily bustle of work pressures, Twitter feeds, and refined sugar. Not to mention, of course, all the demons, curses, and secret evil government agencies looking to take over your body and mind. A kale smoothie and a bit of yoga isn’t always enough to keep your body the pristine temple you deserve. Here, to help keep out all the big bads, is Buffy Summers’ 9 Steps to Staying YOU.

1. Avoid refined sugar.

(Especially when it’s cursed.)

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2. Consume alcohol in moderation.

Otherwise, it may end up consuming you.

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3. Keep those hormones in check.

A healthy sex life is a necessary part of a happy life. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

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4. Know yourself, and know your enemies.

Remember to keep the two separate and not sink to the levels of those you’re fighting.

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5. Get a good night’s sleep.

Too many late nights can turn you into a real monster.

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6. Your possessions do not define you.

A fancy car, a huge house, or an extensive wardrobe may be nice, but they don’t make you who you are.

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7. Believe in yourself.

If you don’t, who will? Remember, you are a strong independent human being. You are no one’s mere key.

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8. Don’t give into peer pressure.

Remember what your mother told you. Anyone who doesn’t like you just the way you are isn’t a real friend.

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9. Be true to yourself.

We all find ourselves occasionally trying to be something we’re not. Remember, there’s only one YOU.

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Vivian Kane is an associate editor for Film School Rejects.

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