Shot by Shot with the ‘His Dark Materials’ Trailer

One girl in all the worlds will wield the power of the Golden Compass
His Dark Materials Trailer
By  · Published on August 28th, 2019

His Dark Materials Trailer

Ariyon Bakare looks very ominous as Lord Boreal, hunching in a church with a raven dæmon swooping overhead. Lord Boreal’s dæmon takes a snake form, but the Master of Jordan college has a raven dæmon. Perhaps they share this scene?

His Dark Materials Trailer

A Gyptian boat, likely Ma Costa’s that Lyra journeys on to the Fens.

His Dark Materials Trailer

A white snake is seen crawling out of a skull. The only book incident that this calls to mind is when Lyra and Roger messed around with the skulls of dead Scholars (and were briefly haunted until they put them back in their place.) However, the hand in this shot looks like that of an adult, black man. Could Lord Boreal be going for a Hamlet moment?

His Dark Materials Trailer

A reused shot from previous trailers, Mrs. Coulter’s golden monkeykit  dæmon (unnamed in the entire series, but whose vocal characteristics will be portrayed by Brian Fisher) attack Pantalaimon, hurting both him and Lyra through their bond.

His Dark Materials Trailer

This trailer does not shy away from showing just how terrifying Mrs. Coulter is. She is polite and composed most of the time, but when she lets her mask off, there is a horrible rage hiding underneath. It is usually only shown through the behavior of her dæmon.

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A politer reciter, a Canadian writer. Hiking with my puppy is my happy place.