The Evolution of Great Movie Poster Design in The Last 50 Years

A new infographic explores great poster design throughout the decades.

A new infographic explores great poster design throughout the decades.

When a movie poster is bad, it’s really bad. Don’t stare for too long at the busy, over-Photoshopped messes that are the posters for Transformers: The Last Knight or Spiderman: Homecoming unless you want your eyes to start bleeding. But the inverse is also true: when a movie poster is good, it’s often so good that it helps influence the visual aesthetics of an entire generation.

The look of movie posters has changed greatly over the years as trends have come and gone, from the stark silhouette style of Saul Bass’s 1950s designs to the use of photography and dramatic lighting in the 1980s. The following infographic, courtesy of Company Folders, tracks this evolution by showcasing some of the best movie posters from each decade. Some (like the epic illustration for Star Wars: A New Hope) have become icons of American culture, while others (like the optical illusion-themed artwork for Moon) are underrated gems.

What’s your favorite classic movie poster? Check out the full infographic below for some inspiration.

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