Eckhart Mildly Changes Tune on Two-Face, Media Go Crazy

We know it's a bit better than unfounded Angelina rumors, but are we really still going this crazy? Really? We're really doing this?

It’s been a slow news day today around the FSR offices. Really slow. So slow that we actually let Rob Hunter write something. Still, I refuse to pretend that Aaron Eckhart changing his tune from “Staunchly Claiming Two-Face Is Completely Dead” to “Less Staunchly Claiming Two-Face is Completely Dead” is serious news.

The real news story is about how starved we are for any real Dark Knight news.

In the beginning, we were salivating to hear even the most unfounded rumors regarding Cat-Woman casting, Penguin casting, or the inevitability that the main villain would actually be Ewan MacGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now, we need people associated with the film to keep the hype going by offering up mysterious comments that could be interpreted in several thousand different ways.

The latest is Eckhart:

I think Harvey — if he’s not dead — is in a serious coma,” stated Eckhart, “and I’m not sure he’s coming out. They might pull the plug on him.”

This quote comes from MTV’s Splash Page, who then asks rhetorically if the words seem firm. And I will answer them. Yes. They seem firm. Despite how hungry fans are for even the smallest quantum of information on the sequel to The Dark Knight, to pretend that his mild tone shift means anything beyond Eckhart being sick of answering questions about Two-Face is grasping at straws.

Yes, it’s possible that Two-Face will be back. Just as it’s also possible that Christopher Nolan will hand over directing duties to McG, that the main villain will be Iron Man, and that the script will based on the original draft for Tonight, He Comes.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.