Descent Heads Back Into the Cave

I'll admit that the girlish (yet manly) scream you heard when Descent hit theaters was probably me. I had the pleasure of seeing it at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 7 in the company of the ideal movie-going audience, and even they were surprised by how high-pitched I could be.

I’ll admit that the girlish (yet manly) scream you heard when Descent hit theaters was probably me. I had the pleasure of seeing it at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 7 in the company of the ideal movie-going audience, and even they were surprised by how high-pitched I could be.

I’m gearing up to embarrass myself again, because The Hollywood Reporter is Hollywood reporting that a sequel to the subterranean blood bath is belaying its way down into theaters.

The original had two endings (depending on whether you saw it in the US or the UK), and both were made with sequels in mind. In the US version, Sarah, the lone survivor, climbs out of the cave and speeds off in her car only to have that last scare come via her friend Juno’s ghost in the passenger seat. In the UK version, her scare causes her to wake up – realizing she’s back inside the cave and only hallucinated her escape.

Either way, Sarah (Shauna MacDonald) has to head back into the darkness to rescue her friends in the upcoming sequel, a task I wouldn’t wish on anyone (real or fictional).

I’m hoping they treat this one as the mirror image of the first. Instead of having the first half be a Lifetime Movie of the Week that turns into a nightmarish Hell-world where sightless demons gnaw at you, the second film should feature Sarah bravely rescuing the few remaining ladies through great peril during the first half followed by all of them escaping and talking about how the experience made them feel over warm cups of General Foods International Coffees. The painful experience will give way to giggles, segue into a discussion on how men never call back, and completely lose focus as they reminisce about Jean Luc – the handsome French bartender they met on vacation that one time.

That way, both story arcs are bound to be terrifying.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.