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Shot by Shot with ‘The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance’ Trailer

Revisit Thra in the new trailer for ‘The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.’
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By  · Published on May 31st, 2019

Dc Montage

A Gelfling, the eternal enemy of the Skeksis, appearing to cry out in fear.

Dc Montage

More images fly by in rapid succession, lingering on this view of the titular Crystal and the evil Skeksi using its power for just a moment.


After Deet pulls away from the flower, the trailer slows down. Here, we see the Dark Crystal in its entirety before it was broken for the benefit of the Skeksis. Again, the visuals stand out, seamlessly blending the film’s iconic look with modern upgrades.

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The Crystal lowers into the ground and is zapped with lightning, to the dismay of a few caged creatures who look on in fear. This is the story told during the opening of The Dark Crystal, finally fleshed out.


After the Crystal is broken, we catch a glimpse of Aughra’s lab as her voiceover begins. She speaks in a mystical tone, warning of the darkness that lies ahead.

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Film student and serial binge watcher. Daughter of Mother Suspiriorum.