‘Confess, Fletch’ Brings Mystery and Laughs to Our Pick of the Week

Plus 4 more new releases to watch at home this week on UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD!
Jon Hamm in Confess Fletch

Streaming might be the future, but physical media is still the present. It’s also awesome, depending on the title, the label, and the release, so each week we take a look at the new Blu-rays and DVDs making their way into the world. Welcome to this week in Home Video for ! This week’s home video selection includes Confess Fletch, Star Trek: Next Generation films on 4K UHD, and more. Check out our picks below.

Pick of the Week

Confess, Fletch

What is it? A murder mystery with laughs!

Why see it? Chevy Chase made the on-screen character of Fletch his own back in the 80s with a pair of movies delivering broad laughs and Harold Faltermeyer music, but this long overdue return for the character is arguably the more enjoyable film. Jon Hamm plays the slightly goofy reporter turned investigator, and he’s terrific. Sharp writing and smart performances — John Slattery, Kyle MacLachlan, and Eugene Mirman are along for the ride — ensure an entertaining mystery setting up this new take on Gregory McDonald’s creation with sequels already on track. If only some of you had gone to see it…

[Extras: None]

The Best

Star Trek: The Next Generation – 4-Movie Collection [4K UHD]

What is it? All four Next Generation films get the 4K UHD treatment.

Why see it? I never really got into Star Trek — the original series was before my time, and the later ones always felt a bit dense and distant to me. For whatever reason, though, I have seen every one of the feature films. My gut prefers the OG movies, but there’s some real fun, character, and action beats to be found in the Next Generation movies from the crossover Generations to the terrifically grim Nemesis. All four are included here, and the new remasters are fantastic offering sharp details, color, and depth on both the UHDs and Blu-rays. The Blus are also loaded with previously available extra features to keep fans busy for hours on end.

[Extras: Commentaries, featurettes, deleted scenes]

The Rest

The Big Easy [KL Studio Classics]

What is it? A cop and a district attorney join forces even as they butt heads.

Why see it? This late 80s noir is a sweaty ride as Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin fall into bed and into each other’s crosshairs during a hot New Orleans summer. Both actors are eminently watchable and display some saucy chemistry, but the script doesn’t quite hold up its end of the deal. Dialogue is iffy, and threads fall by the wayside, but even if it doesn’t quite work as a thriller there’s no denying the fun of watching these two go at each other. Director Jim McBride offers up a commentary track revealing some fun anecdotes for fans.

[Extras: Commentary]

Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XII [KL Studio Classics]

What is it? Three more noirs!

Why see it? 1949’s Undertow sees a soldier turned gambler framed for murder, 1950’s Outside the Wall follows an ex-con’s struggle to go straight after his release, and 1955’s Hold Back Tomorrow reveals a death row inmate’s strange last request. All three films offer enough to warrant a watch even if none of them rise to the level of great. Innocent men framed for crimes they didn’t commit, ex-cons forced back into the grimy side of life, and a pure piece of nihilism.

[Extras: Commentaries]

Wings of Disaster: The Birdemic Trilogy [Intervision]

What is it? Three films from the self-declared master of the romantic thriller.

Why see it? The phrase “so bad it’s good” is some kind of bullshit. If you enjoy something, it’s good. For many people it seems, that includes James Nguyen’s trilogy of environmental horror films made on a miniscule budget and even smaller amount of talent. What he has, though, is persistence and charm. The films are utterly incompetent with abysmal pacing, poor acting, and laughable effects, but all of that works to deliver some endearing fun. Does it last for a full film? (Let alone three?) No, but in short bursts there are laughs to be had here while drinking with friends.

[Extras: Commentaries, deleted scenes, featurettes, interviews]

Also out this week:

Cool Hand Luke [4K UHD], The Maltese Falcon [4K UHD], Midnight Run [4K UHD]

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.