The 25 Best Moments from the Animated ‘Star Wars’ Adventures

The cartoons have frequently used our knowledge of the films against us, resulting in a rich emotional experience.
Best Star Wars Animated Moments

10. Maul vs. Darth Sidious

Maul makes quite the upgrade on his journey from “Brothers” to “The Lawless,” The Clone Wars Season 5 episode, where he finally crosses swords with Darth Sidious. Goodbye to the spider-legs (I’m a little sad about that). Hello to the Darksaber.

These enhancements, however, offer little against his former Master. Sidious slaughters his bro, Savage Opress, and after a quick round of clashing swords, Maul falls in defeat. Then comes the Force lightning and the screaming.

The Clone Wars makes great strides toward achieving empathy for Maul. He’s a wretched, foul beast, but his agony is profoundly felt. His failure on Naboo drove him to madness, but he crawled his way out, and he managed to bend Mandalore and Death Watch to his will. That’s impressive, but for Sidious, it’s more nuisance than anything else. In “The Lawless,” the top dog proves why he’s on top. Maul’s been nothing but the little guy his whole life.

9. Enter: Darth Vader

Star Wars: Rebels Season 1 ends with a most excellent tease; the Ghost crew ping Darth Vader’s radar. But they don’t meet until the Season 2 episode “The Siege of Lothal Part II.” The above shot is where they all land together on the same frame, and it is utterly chilling. And, frankly, it’s just totally dope to hear James Earl Jones rocking his Vader voice once more.

You know Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger have gotten pretty handy with their lightsabers and Force capabilities, but you also know they’re no match for the man in black. Their first exchange is brief, but Kanan and Ezra escape with their lives. Added bonus, Ahsoka Tano gets her first inkling of recognition regarding the Empire’s deadliest bulldog. Anakin?

8. Duel of the Fallen

For my money, “The Phantom Apprentice” is the best episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Both Ahsoka Tano and Maul have turned their backs on their respective Orders, but both might still be the cream of the cream. Maul explains to Ahsoka that he took control of Mandalore, hoping to lure Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker into conflict. He reveals that Anakin is the crucial piece to this latest Sith uprising, but as the Jedi refused to recognize Anakin’s dark soul, so too does Ahsoka Tano. She returns his truth with a grueling duel.

The Ahsoka/Maul duel is in contention for the grandest lightsaber battle in the franchise. Achieved via mo-cap with actors Ray Park and Lauren Mary Kim, the rumble roars with energy and physicality. The motion is swift, the impacts are catastrophic, and the emotion is punishing. By this point in Season 7, you like both characters. Yes, Ahsoka is clearly on the side of the angels, and Maul is a monster, but they both got the shaft from their friends. They’re reflections of each other. And they know it.

7. The First Order Strikes

I bet you thought I forgot about Star Wars: Resistance. No way. The first part of the Season 1 finale, “No Escape,” delivers a horrific climax as Kaz spies General Hux’s Starkiller Base speech while skulking through the Colossus. Unable to make a peep, he watches helplessly as the First Order launches its cataclysmic assault on the Hosnian planetary system, the place Kaz once called home.

The image of Stormtroopers cheerings as billions of lives are obliterated within seconds achieves a level of terror that the same sequence in The Force Awakens failed to do. Watching people react in revulsion issues a certain gasp, but watching people shout in glee erupts an acute sorrow. The philosophy between those in the Resistance and those in the First Order is too immense. There can be no peace.

6. Kanan’s Last Act

This one hurts. A lot of Star Wars hurts, but this one hurts more than most.

After Team Ghost busts Hera from prison, Governor Pryce deploys several AT-ATs. When they spot Kanan’s crew atop the Lothal fueling depot, they fire. The blast will surely destroy everyone, but Kanan Jarras holds back the blaze with the Force. He then Force-pushes Hera back on their ship, and then Force-pushes the ship to a safe distance. Kanan is enveloped in the flames.

As Star Wars: Rebels builds toward its climax, it feels as if the good guys are going to win. Or, at least, kick that first domino that will lead to the good guys winning. And they do, but their mission requires sacrifice. And Kanan’s death in the episode “Jedi Night” is just the first of several.

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Brad Gullickson: Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)