Anton Yelchin Will See Dead People In ‘Odd Thomas’

The world is now one step closer to a legitimate Hollywood adaptation of a Dean Koontz novel. Of the fifteen or so that have reached the screen only two, Demon Seed and Phantoms, came from anything resembling a major studio/distributor. The rest have been a mixed bag of TV movies, mini-series, and direct-to-DVD releases. But there are currently two films in pre-production that hold great promise for fans of the author’s many novels screaming to be turned into feature films. Director Ole Bornedal is set to direct The Husband for Focus Features, but there’s been little movement there since the announcement two years ago. And Universal Pictures is planning on releasing Stephen Sommers’ film version of Odd Thomas.

Bringing Odd Thomas closer to reality is the recent announcement that Anton Yelchin will be starring in the title role. Yelchin was last seen in 2009’s one-two punch of Star Trek and Terminator Salvation, and while he was out of sight throughout 2010 the next two years look to be even busier for the young actor. In addition to the recent Sundance hit Like Crazy and the remake of Fright Night, he’ll next be seen in Jodie Foster’s The Beaver. Per IMDB he has an additional three films lined up through 2012 as well, so we’ll have to wait and see where Odd Thomas fits into it all.

Hopefully it will be soon though, as Odd is a fascinating character who has managed to remain interesting through four novels. The first is still the best and introduces Odd as a young fry cook in a small mid-western town where he lives alongside his friends and the ghost of Elvis Presley. He can see and speak to the dead, although they don’t talk back, and he uses his gifts to help them find out what’s holding them back from moving on to the afterlife. The sequels vary in quality, but Odd Thomas is pitch perfect in character, tone, humor, emotion, and suspense.

Luckily it’s in the hands of the man who directed Van Helsing and GI Joe: The Rise Of Cobra

Source: ShockTillYouDrop

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.