A Spoiler Walks Onto the Set of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

It’s obligatory for anyone writing about this news to point out two things. One, we hate writing it. Two, we’re going to anyway. Consider it a casting announcement that just happens to have bigger implications for a movie that should remain as secretive as possible. After all, at a time when Chuck Klosterman is wondering whether The 6th Sense could be made in our spoiler-happy internet world, it’s especially appropriate to see a scoop like this come down the pipeline.

It’s not a massive twist, but it could be a game-changer, so if you don’t want any of the surprises for The Dark Knight Rises ruined, read no further. If you don’t mind, or are willing to take the chance that this won’t be that big a deal, feel free to find out what actor filmed a scene for the movie.

Spoilers in






Liam Neeson has reprised his role as R’as al Ghul.

According to Drew over at HitFix, Neeson spent a day filming a scene, but it’s unclear whether it was a flashback or something that takes place within the timeline of the current story. It’s also curious that he was only there a day. Would Nolan hire Neeson to come out purely as a misdirection? Is the scene that short/small?

This situation creates nothing but unanswerable questions, but one possibility is that Christopher Nolan is bringing a little of the supernatural into his real-world Batman by way of the Lazarus Pit – a device that would do the trick of bringing al Ghul back to life.

Is that a good move for the story? Who knows. If there’s any director that handle sliding magic into his grit, it’s Nolan. Regardless, it’s unbelievably premature to begin speculating – a fact that hasn’t stopped fans or websites like ours in the past. So, speculate away.

Drew is usually a solid source for these types of scoops, but if someone starts reporting that they saw Heath Ledger on set, I’ll call shenanigans.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.